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Christ the King Daycare

Call: 208-962-3363

Thank you for your interest in Christ the King Preschool & Daycare. We offer quality Catholic care for your children. We are a licensed child care center and an authorized Idaho Child Care Program (ICCP) provider (see qualifications below).


We are open Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 5:30pm.  


For more information or to enroll your children, please call 208.962.3363 or email


Current Rates:

0-1 Year Old: $3.50

2 Years Old: $3.00

3-4 Years Old: $2.50

5-12 Years Old: $2.00

Drop Ins: $.50 additional


Idaho Child Care Program (ICCP)


ICCP provides assistance to low income families to help pay child care costs.  The purpose of the program is to support families working toward or maintaining employment.  Eligibility is based on household income and family size.

ICCP can assist you if you have a child under the age of thirteen, or age thirteen or older with special needs, AND you

  • Work

  • Attend school

  • Support a foster child

  • Are in an approved job training program; or

  • Receive Temporary Assistance for Families in Idaho (TAFI)


Maximum Monthly Income Limits:

Household Size                Gross Income

          2                                   $1,833

          3                                   $2,312

          4                                   $2,790

          5                                   $3,270

          6                                   $3,748

          7                                   $4,227

          8                                   $4,706

Each Add'l Member              + $476


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Christ the King


St. John Bosco Academy

Dedicated to Christ the King


St. John Bosco Academy

122 Substation Road

PO Box 427

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522
Tel: 208.962.5650

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St. John Bosco Academy is a private Catholic School recognized and approved by and within the Diocese of Boise 

St. John Bosco Academy is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.  St. John Bosco Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender or national origin.

Attention: Employees are armed and trained to use deadly force.


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