Holyween skit earns reward!
Each year high school students prepare saint skits for younger students which are presented during the Holyween event held around All...
Praying on Election Day
Students gathered around the flagpole to pray a rosary for our country on election day today.
Volleyball heads to state tournament!
After battling through districts and placing 2nd, the St. John Bosco Academy Patriots headed to a play-in game on October 26th against...
Pro-life Patriots Participate in National Chalk Day
The St. John Bosco Academy chapter of Students for Life of America participated in National Chalk Day on Tuesday, October 15th. The...
Welcome Back!
The first day of school brought lots of welcoming smiles and a first Mass with Fr. Paul.
Basketball Awards Announced
St. John Bosco Academy held their high school basketball banquet last week. Coaches were thanked for their time and effort, and awards...
Science Fair Projects Awarded
Students at St. John Bosco Academy completed science fair projects and had judging and an open house on March 13th. Students presented...
Idaho DEQ report
Water line report; required posting per Idaho DEQ
Virtue Winners!
Congratulations to Oniece who was awarded Most Attentive during February's virtue campaign. Students practiced the virtue of...
Prolife Chalk Day
Prolife Patriots, a chapter of Students for Life of America, recently participated in Chalk Day where they wrote prolife messages on...