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The Whole World Celebrates: The Coming of the King

Summit students in all grades participated in a Christmas Program presented on December 16th. Groups of students presented Christmas traditions in countries around the world. The third and fourth grade represented Mexico and enacted the tradition of Los Posadas, where the holy family travels from home to home to find a place to stay. After the enactment, they sang a rousing rendition of Feliz Navidad. Christmas customs in Italy were portrayed by the fifth and sixth grade, who performed traditional flag-waving in time to music in addition to telling the audience about Italian Christmas traditions. The final area represented was the Holy Lands where the Christmas story was portrayed. All the students brought their gifts to the live baby Jesus. Each gift contained a note from the student stating the intention they had been praying for during the daily lighting of the school Advent wreath. Other countries represented in the program were England, Germany, Sweden, Korea, and the Old West USA. After the presentation students invited guests to visit decorated booths for each country. A sample of a traditional Christmas treat and beverage was offered at each booth including gingerbread, scones, tea, shortbread cookies and Mexican hot chocolate. The student enjoyed learning about traditions in other countries and sharing what they learned to others as well as sharing the light of Christ to all who attended.


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Christ the King


St. John Bosco Academy

Dedicated to Christ the King


St. John Bosco Academy

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PO Box 427

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St. John Bosco Academy is a private Catholic School recognized and approved by and within the Diocese of Boise 

St. John Bosco Academy is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.  St. John Bosco Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender or national origin.

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