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Hikers reach the Summit

Summit students, staff and parents attended the Hike A Thon on Wednesday, May 2nd. All students participated in a 2.5 mile round-trip hike with prayer stations along the route. At the summit was a lookout tower where they enjoyed a picnic. Students enjoyed the magnificent views and a snowbank that had yet to melt. Prior to the event, students collected sponsorships for their hike. Students are still vying to win two competitions with their sponorships. One award goes to the family with the most sponsors; the second award to the family with the highest dollar amount of pledges. Winner will be announced this week!


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Christ the King


St. John Bosco Academy

Dedicated to Christ the King


St. John Bosco Academy

122 Substation Road

PO Box 427

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522
Tel: 208.962.5650

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St. John Bosco Academy is a private Catholic School recognized and approved by and within the Diocese of Boise 

St. John Bosco Academy is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.  St. John Bosco Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender or national origin.

Attention: Employees are armed and trained to use deadly force.


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