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Summit Academy Officially joins Diocese

Bishop Peter Christensen celebrated Mass at Summit Academy on May 16th to mark the school's formal entrance to the Diocese of Boise. After Mass, attendees went a short tour of the school where they received information on the history and the future of both education and the facility at Summit Academy. A lunch reception followed. Bishop Peter sent the following announcement to parishes in the deanery to be read at weekend Masses.

My Dear Faithful, I had the great pleasure this past Wednesday, May 16, 2018, to formally recognize Summit Academy of Cottonwood, Idaho, as a Private Catholic School in the Diocese of Boise. Summit has also been granted permission and is encouraged to use the title ‘Catholic’ in its name, official documents, and marketing materials. The leadership of the school is now working on a new name that will reflect more of a Catholic Identity. I invite you to visit the school’s website and to seriously consider a Catholic education for your children. I remain sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Peter F. Christensen Bishop of the Diocese of Boise.


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Christ the King


St. John Bosco Academy

Dedicated to Christ the King


St. John Bosco Academy

122 Substation Road

PO Box 427

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522
Tel: 208.962.5650

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St. John Bosco Academy is a private Catholic School recognized and approved by and within the Diocese of Boise 

St. John Bosco Academy is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.  St. John Bosco Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender or national origin.

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