Groundbreaking on the Angelus Center
On Friday, August 20th, St. John Bosco Academy welcomed Bishop Peter Christensen, Fr. Paul Wander, Deacon Ryan Uhlenkott, and many families and friends to the campus for the Angelus Center groundbreaking ceremony.
The Angelus Center will be an approximately 26,000 square foot gym and theater complex located south of the existing school building. The complex will include a college-sized basketball court, with the ability to split into two high school courts, and seating for more than 600 fans. “Prayers are being answered!” said freshman Sarah Waters. “I can’t wait to play sports in a real gym!” A handball court on the mezzanine level will also function as a playroom for young kids during games. A window wall will allow parents to keep an eye on young kids and the game. This will be appreciated by parents, referees, and players! Locker rooms, a weight room and a team room will complete the athletic side of the building.

Athletic Director Gene Weckman says, “I am looking forward to watching our high school students get to play home games in their own gym and having the ability to host tournaments and clinics. Having a full-size court will help our players better prepare for games. I really like how our Catholic faith will be highlighted outside and inside the facility for all to see and appreciate.”
The other half of the building will house an auditorium with seating for nearly 300. Also included are a director’s office, prop storage, and costume storage. A cry room in the theater keeps the space family friendly. Sophomore Levi Wassmuth is excited to hold drama productions in the new theater saying, “We will be able to build and use more elaborate props and backdrops to make our plays better than ever.”
Part-time theater director Michael Rehder says, “I can’t wait for the audiences to hear our actors better through the improved acoustics of the new theater building. There is so much magic and music that awaits our student on the new stage in the Angelus Center!”
A large central foyer will double as a space for events and socializing and will include an industrial kitchen and concession area. Also included in this project is a separate shop building which will house wood, metal, and auto shop classes. Shop classes have always been held off-campus and a new shop space will provide a broader range of classes as well as allow more class time by eliminating a commute.
At the August 10th groundbreaking, Bishop Peter led a prayer to bless the construction and all the students. Student body President Jade Prigge read from Scripture and Deacon Ryan led prayers of the faithful. The Bishop then conducted his very first blessing of a shovel and invited all students in attendance to stand close as he dug in with Principal Jim Hickel, Father Paul Wander and General Contractor Morris Arnzen. The groundbreaking took place near the planned Mary grotto on the building façade. A blessing of the ground and all those in attendance followed.

While official groundbreaking was held on August 20th, actual construction is projected to begin in October by Arnzen Construction. The building is slated to be completed in August 2022.
St. John Bosco Academy’s students, staff, and board would like to thank the generous donors who made this project possible and the following businesses who are involved with the project: Arnzen Construction, Allwest Testing, DCI Engineers, FP Engineering, Holcomb Steel Buildings and Crane Service, Cuddy & Associates Inc, BRS Architects, DC Engineering, Rick Martin Lighting and Scenic Design, and Spectrum Engineers.
