Science Fair Projects Awarded

Students at St. John Bosco Academy completed science fair projects and had judging and an open house on March 13th. Students presented their project to judges during the school day, with awards being presented at the evening open house. There were four grade categories for awards. In the Kindergarten through 3rd grade category, the 2nd-3rd grade group project won first place. For their project, they built a trebuchet and tested different objects to see which flew the farthest. In the 4th-5th grade, Aidan Lustig won first place with his project testing fire starters. Teagan Dieseldorff was awarded first prize in the 6th-8th level for her experiment on which types of water grew plants the best. She used tap water, boiled water, and distilled water. At the 7-12th level, Glenn Parmantier was awarded first for his project which tested electrical conductivity in different soil types.
Gianna Prigge was given a special award for most creative. She presented the tests conducted to find a bone marrow match for her brother, and which of her siblings was the best match.
The school received a grant which allowed 1st-3rd place in each grade category to receive a prize. Prizes included microscopes and multiple varieties of science kits. Every student was awarded a pair of eclipse glasses with which to view the solar eclipse occurring April 8th. The judges were excited to see the variety of projects presented and enjoyed questioning each student to learn more about their experiments.